
Forfeit means to lose or give up something, usually as a penalty. If you don’t finish your homework and eat all your broccoli, you'll most likely forfeit your right to watch TV before going to bed.

  • Pronunciation: / 'fɔrfət/
  • English description: lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime
  • Synonyms: give up
  • Chinese Translation: 被迫放弃(bei4 po4 fang4 qi4)
  • Spanish Translation: perder
  • ORIGIN: An adjective, noun, and verb all rolled into one, forfeit came into existence around 1300 meaning “to lose by misconduct.” To forfeit is to lose or give up something as punishment for making an error. Aforfeit is what is lost. You've probably heard of forfeiting a game or match — like when you don't show up with enough players or pick one too many fights with the opposing team.


  • It all awaits auction, after being forfeited through the state’s drug seizure laws.
  • He also will have to serve three years of supervised release once he’s freed and will forfeit the $280,000 he received.

*New word description, story and part of "EXAMPLE SENTENCE" are cited in Vocabulary


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