Dreams 'N Motion has created this forum so that you can exchange ideas, relevant information, converse and meet with others who share a common interest in a safe environment.
DNM Forum rules
Here are some rules that we ask you to follow:
1. Keep your posts relevant to the forum category.
2. Please be respectful of others and don’t sweat the small stuff. We’re not all English majors.
3. Please do not post any personal information (or photos) of yourself that you wouldn’t want to disclose to the public at large.
4. Do not post hateful racist, or illegal content. Do not post copyrighted material without proper attribution.
5. Please do not use the forum for self-promotion, solicitation, or advertising. SPAM will not be tolerated.
6. Please refrain from discussing illegal activities, sharing lewd photos or using curse words.
7. Rudeness, personal attacks, bullying, threats or inflammatory posts will not be tolerated.
8. Do not question moderators in the open forum. Moderation can be stressful, use private messages to chat with moderators.