Date: Saturday January 31th 2015
Participants (from 10 countries):
Japan: Yukiko | Bangladesh: Shah | China: QiuQiu, Shelia, Haru | India: Sunita | US: Rick |
Argentina: Johny | Pakistan: Akhlaq, Eshaal | Hongkong: Selly | Indonesia : Lina |Finland: Anna
Team A: Eshaal, Rick, QiuQiu, Shelia
Team B: Selly, Johny, Sunita
Team C or came in late: Anna, Haru, Lina, Yukiko-listening , Shah and Akhlaq
Key points Team A: Kids when they are young, are easily influenced by things, and this is a point in their life where other factors, such as violent games can influence them.
Key points Team B: There are many other factors besides video games that impact a child's behavior, such as parenting, friends etc.
Below is the link to listen to our chat
Whether or not violent video games promote violence or bad behavior in kids - Voice chat Recording
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.