Date: Sunday February 1st 2015
Participants (from 7 countries):
Hong Kong: Selly | China: Angie, Miranda, Qiuqiu | Russia: Maria | Bangladesh: Shah | Argentina: Johny | Finland: Anna| US: Rick
1. Medical Technology improvements to create human organs from DNA
2. Smart TV, Halo gram Technology and Shopping Improvements
3. Temperature self-regulated clothing
4. Availability of more technology to under-developed areas in the world, i.e. Africa, to help promote cultural awareness and social improvements
5. Increased use of green energy
6. Other medical technology improvements to fight areas such as cancer, terminal diseases etc.
These are the two audio files associated with these chats. Unfortunately because of some poor connections, some of the audio is difficult to understand.
What inventions would you like to see happen in the next 10 years? - Voice chat Recording 1
What inventions would you like to see happen in the next 10 years? - Voice chat Recording 2
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.