“I hate public speaking. With a passion!
I used to try to avoid it at all costs throughout school. I was always the last one to go for presentations in high school and would whisper the whole time or not make sense. By college it got worse and I would have full out anxiety attacks and had to get that fixed pretty quick. …”
From the web
Public speaking is not always easy, but all of us will eventually face it at least once in our life. For ones who have failed making a presentation in front of the crowd, or have never talked in front of the crowd, or are going to speak in front of the crowd, you can have a look at some of the tips below to overcome the fear or to mentally prepare yourself. I found the information from the web and have added some pictures to make it more interesting for reading. I do hope you will enjoy the post and be successful in public speaking after applying these tips.
1. Know the room
Be familiar with the location: classroom, hall, stage, etc.
Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone, projection, controls, computer, etc.
2. Know the audience
Greet some of the audience when they arrive.
You’ll establish rapport, and it will be easier to speak to a group of friends.
3. Know your material
Practice your speech out loud even in front of a mirror. As you become more familiar with both the content and its delivery, your confidence will increase and you will be better prepared for any “event”!
4. Relax
Ease your tension by stretching, exercising, etc.
5. Visualize yourself giving your speech.
Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured.
When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.
6. Realize your audience wants you to succeed.
They don’t want you to fail! Audience want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining.
7. Don’t apologize.
If you mention your nervousness or discomfort, you may be drawing attention to something the audience notice. Proceed with confidence!
8. Concentrate on the message, not the medium.
Focus your attention away from your anxiety, and outwardly toward your message and audience. You’ll be surprised how confident you become.
9. Turn nervousness into positive energy.
Harness your positive energy; transform it into vitality and enthusiasm and engage the audience, make them part of the experience.
10. Gain experience.
Experience builds confidence: the key to effective speaking.
A Toastmasters club can provide the experience that you need.
Vocabularies related to public Speaking 1
Vocabularies related to public Speaking 2