Love is pain, sometimes cutting so deep into your heart
You can no longer feel the pain.
The void that exists, where once love filled
Hungers for something to be there
Love is anger, over the sense of betrayal
The broken trust
The bond of words, and more importantly
The exchange of promises for a future
That no longer exist
Love is sadness, a feeling of loneliness
That comes like a thief in the night
To take from you
Your most precious things
And leaves you feeling shattered, vulnerable and alone
Love is sweet like the taste of warm fresh honey
Taken from a bee hive
Love is fragrant like the buds of a newly awakened rose
In the gardens of spring
Love is warm, like the kiss of the sun
In the first morning’s light
Love is a union of two hearts
Joined as one
Love is a gift, one so precious
That its true value cannot be measured
What is love?
It is a moment in time, where we share the most precious part of our heart, with another. Where we accept the risk of love lost, leaving ourselves vulnerable, because the feeling that we share with the other, whether near us or far away, leaves us temporarily paralyzed with its intensity. It is the most wonderful of gifts we are given as human beings, to know true love.
The sound of her voice, sounding so near, yet knowing she was so far away. I imagined walking on a beach under a moon lit sky, hand in hand. Laughing, smiling, teasing each other. Stopping to lay on our backs on the sandy beach and looking up into the stars. The soft crashing of the waves adding a backdrop, a crescendo of orchestra led by nature. Her voice soft as silk, caressing my ear with its delicate touch. Her voice stayed with me even in sleep, it was the soothing serenade that wrapped around me like a warm blanket, an unchained melody of sorts. Yes, love can be painful, it can be sad, angry and lonely, but it also can be the most magical of feelings to experience, and when we have been privileged to have known it, we realize that in our life, to truly love someone, and be loved by someone, is indeed, God’s greatest gift to us all.
Dedicated to her…