Date: Sunday, July 19th 2015
Participants (from 12 countries):
USA: Rick | Brazil: Leandro | UK: Marissa, | Tunisia: Marwa | Mauritania: Boboty | India: Sunita | Japan: Miho | Philippines: Lala | Indonesia: Mikhael, Jovan | Argentina: Johny | Thailand: Pathira | Iran: Roya, China: Miranda
Panel PRO: Roya, Leandro, Mikhael, Rick, Lala
Panel CON: Sunita, Marissa, Jovan, Miho. Miranda
AUDIENCE: Miho, Johny, Boboty, Marwa, Pathira
Host: Rick
Moderator: Marwa
Panel PRO summary:
- Camping allows you to play in nature.
- Camping for some people will bring back pleasurable memories of the past, as some families make family camping a traditional experience.
- You can learn how to make fire and master it.
- Camping gives you a better opportunity to enjoy nature, like gazing at the sunsets, see and smell a field of flowers, swimming in natural hot wellsprings.
- It gives a good opportunity to combine pleasure with adventure.
- Camping is cheaper than staying in hotels.
- Camping has economics benefits such as buying equipment to use them as many times as you want which means it is one-time cost only.
- Camping boost the city’s economy as well, the site can use the money to make the park better.
- While camping, you can go fishing and play in some lake or river, make a camp fire, barbeque, tell stories which are helpful to make people get close to each other.
- In hotel, is you alone in a room, you cannot share much with others. Is not that fun and is more expensive.
- The experiences and memories you make around a camp fire, you can never replicate in a hotel room.
- Part of camping experience is setting up the camping area and camp fire and that could give you experiences and skills which could make the difference in front of extreme circumstances.
- While camping, you can learn survival skills whereas in a hotel everything is provided and nothing is new.
Panel CON summary:
- Staying in a hotel is safer and in hot seasons you can enjoy in AC.
- Hotel bestows a better protection against mosquitos, insects, germs, rain, etc. and you have the benefits of electricity, internet, TV, phone, etc.
- A hotel also provides comfort for sleeping, as well as using a suitable toilet.
- Camping toilets are not as hygienic.
- Camping can be dangerous due to wild animals.
- You cannot make coffee or tea so fast and easy.
- While staying in hotel you don’t have to cook, clean or anything, everything is done by hotel service and employees; you only have to order it.
- Most people are just not interested in learning survival skills all the time.
- The purpose is to enjoy either some holidays or some getting away and people don’t have to learn survival skills or cope up with hard situations in order to make that holidays joyful.
- If you camp for learning survival skills, you better live in and maintain this environment because one time experience will not be sufficient preparation if some calamity happens.
AUDIENCE summary:
- Johny remained undecided
- Marwa chose team B
- Boboty left early
- Miho just listened.
Team B won this debate, thanks everyone for participating!
Below are the links to listen to this debate:
Listen online:
Camping is better than staying in a hotel - Voice chat Recording file
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