Date: Saturday April 2nd 2015
Participants (from 9 countries):
Tunisia: Amine, Marwa | Bangladesh: Santo | Pakistan: Eshaal, Kashi | Egypt: Alama | China: Miranda, Chark, Hunan | Hong Kong: Selly | USA: Rick | Argentina: Johny | India: Sunita
Team A: (Yes) Amine, Santo, Eshaal, Alama
Team B: (No) Miranda, Selly, Rick
Team C: (On the fence) Johny, Hunan, Kashi
People joining late: Chark, Sunita
Host: Rick/Eshaal
Moderator: Marwa
Team A Summary:
- Focus of the mother should be on raising the child, not working
- Each country has its own culture, it depends. Women have a primary role in the house, it’s hard to be both the breadwinner and also to take care of the family
- Women are not used to it, men have the responsibility
- It’s natural that men have this role, men should work, they have more capability
Team B Summary:
- A couple should not just rely on the guy, they are a team, they need to work together
- Both should take responsibility for the future of the household
- It can depend also on circumstances, if there are no young children at home, then there is no reason for the woman to stay at home if she wants to work
- As children get older, and go to school, there is time for the woman to work if she wants
- Both can share responsibilities in the house, taking care of children, household responsibilities like cooking, cleaning etc.
- In today’s environment, especially with the internet, many people can work from home
Team C Results/Summary:
- Johny= B (Only one left at the end)
- Team B won the debate
During the bonus chat, the following items were
- Favorite desserts
- Cultural differences
Below is the link to listen to our chat:
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.