Date: Sunday May 17th 2015
Participants (from 8 countries):
Tunisia: Marwa, Amine | Pakistan: Eshaal | Algeria: Angel | Egypt: Alama | Philippines: Angel | Vietnam: Kelly | USA: Rick | Argentina: Johny
Team A: (Yes) Marwa, Eshaal, Angel, Alama
Team B: (No) Amine, Lala, Kelly
Team C: (On the fence) Rick
Moderator: Johny
Host: Rick
Team A Summary:
- Life experience as a subject in school would help you to prepare for the things after graduating (relationships, career decisions, life goals)
- One way to approach this subject is to hire experts in this field
- Helps people to mature, more aware
- We need this subject to be taught in schools as there are many social and psychological problems in today’s world, and this would be helpful to deal with these issues
- Relevancy to real life. Often the subjects taught in school may have very little relevance to actual life requirements and experiences
- In some countries, where all the focus is put on academics, and passing exams, the young people are not prepared to deal with the real world once they leave school
- Everyone needs guidance
- This would provide a good opportunity to share life experiences with each other
Team B Summary:
- Although it is important to know about others experiences, it would not be practical when the School has to a large number of subjects because it would be another burden for students and teachers and teacher should connect with students in a separate and different level such us offering social behavior instead
- Learning this subject would be meaningful but not as a qualitative course
- Experience is not something that you can learn from teacher, rather we should learn this things by better qualified people such as family and friends.
- The better life experience teacher is our own experiences in most cases and it would work better than learning it from second hand
- There is a big difference between life experience and the things that are already taught in schools: life experience is something can be learn only by living it and it cannot be a theoretical subject.
- If it became a subject, it would no longer be interesting. People would just deal with their problems like robots
- A subject is defined as 'a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.". We can’t teach or study life in an academic way, life is a series of learning though we can have a this life experience as a program, seminar or an elective but not a subject
- Life experience is an important point, and should be provided to young children or young adults but in a way that complements their existing studies, not replacing them
- School should only be for giving facts to children and teenagers and letting them decide.
Team C Results/Summary:
- Rick=B
Team B won the debate
- This was based on several considerations:
- Life experience is important, but difficult to quantify in an academic environment
- Should complement existing courses, not replace them
Below are the links to listen to our chat:
- Life Experience should be a subject in schools - Voice chat recording 1
- Life Experience should be a subject in schools - Voice chat recording 2
- Life Experience should be a subject in schools - Voice chat recording 3
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.