Date: Friday May 15th 2015
Participants (from 8 countries):
Brazil: Leandro | China: Brady, Qiuqiu | USA: Rebecca, Rick | Saudi Arabia: Pink | Vietnam: Kelly | Pakistan: Kashee | Algeria: Angel | Argentina: Johny
Team A: (Yes) Leandro, Brady, Rebecca
Team B: (No) Pink, Kelly, Kashee
Team C: (On the fence) Angel, Qiuqiu, Rick
Moderator: Johny
Host: Rick
Team A Summary:
- Do not get to choose your family, but friends you choose because there is a bond of mutual interest or concern, therefore there can be a deeper closeness with friends
- Everyone has two families, the one by blood, the other by friendship. The one for friendship is based on trust and not all people have families (orphans) therefore they establish other friendships that may be as close to those of blood
- Parents can only accompany the first part of your life and in some cultures, friends become as close as family, like a second family. Also in some cultures where children may not have many siblings etc. their family is expanded through relationships, through something other than blood
- With a close friend there is often a communication that is not always shared with families, and that requires a deep level of trust. A close friend will not judge you
Team B Summary:
- Parents and husband/wife are the most important relationships
- Every relationship is important, but motherhood, and the bond between a parent and a child, cannot be replaced by anything
- The family is always #1, they will always be there for you, in the hardest of times
- We owe everything as a child to our parents, to care for us, to raise us, to give us our values, and make many sacrifices for us in their lives.
- We can share close things with friends, but that does not make them more important than our parents and family
- The most important relationship is with yourself, because if you believe in yourself, then it gives you the ability to care and believe in others.
- Friends will come and go in life, but your family will always be your family. They provide you the stability and continuity in the hard times
Team C Results/Summary:
- Angel=A
- Rick= B
- Johny (tie breaker)= B
Team B won the debate
- This was based on several considerations:
- Defining a relationship (Trust, Care and Respect)
- The influence your family has on you growing up (your values, your morals)
- The relationship you have with yourself
Below is the link to listen to our chat:
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.