Date: Sunday 19 April 2015
Participants (from 13 countries):
Tunisia: Marwa, Amine | Pakistan: Eshaal | India : Alina | China: Trista, Miranda, Yichen | Bangladesh: Mohammad | USA: Rick | Hong Kong: Selly | Saudi Arabia: Sara | Egypt : Anas | Uganda : Daniel | Vietnam: Kelly | Malaysia : Anisu | Indonesia : Lina
Team A: (Yes) Marwa, Eshaal, Alina, Trista, Mohammad.
Team B: (No) Miranda, Rick, Selly.
Team C: (On the fence) Amine, Yi Chen.
Others that briefly joined: Sara, Anas, Daniel, Kelly, Amine, Anisu, Lina.
Moderator: N/A
Team A Summary:
- Most people born in a home with a TV and since a very young age they learn from all the ideas which television often gives. Shows and movie producers always sell their product by making violence more attractive and people learn many things from them which otherwise they wouldn’t have learnt it.
- Even shows that we consider to be suitable for minors (such a cartoons) are giving ideas of how to successfully win a fight, battle or war not only through physical violence but for verbal violence as well. Thus, people who are in a stage of anger or “not in their mind” often use the violent examples that television offers.
- Repetitive violence in television causes an impact on the psyche of children when they are upset and try to canalize his/her dudgeon and violent reactions through television’s ideas. This includes the use of foul language and antisocial behavior.
- If a person lacks maturity or good values, TV can easily influence them.
- There is an overarching theme that might makes right, that the use of physical strength is more important than mental strength.
- Overall TV violence has increased significantly in the past 20 years.
Team B Summary:
- TV may have violent content and this might impact people to some level but it isn’t the main reason of violence within societies. All people have the capacity for different things, including violence (such as in self-defense etc.) but this is not primarily due to TV. It could come from other influences such as the environment they grow up in, the lack of guidance in morals and values from parents, or peers.
- Most people have the ability to control their emotions, their actions, regardless of other influences
- Even very violent movies, such as the popular “Walking Dead” series, are more for entertainment purposes.
- Parents and peers provide the primary influences to children, including values, morals and principles.
Team C Summary:
- Yi Chen= Team B
- Amine= Team B
Team B won the debate and the make takeaway points:
- People should assume responsibility for their actions
- TV is a major factor, but people still have choices
Bonus Chat Discussion
There was a very interesting bonus chat discussion conducted after the debate. Two things were discussed: Crazy things we have done because we are curious and places in the world we want to visit.
- Crazy Things
- Amine shared a story about jumping out of a window onto a horse, even though the horse had moved (Amine said later he made this up)
- Miranda shared a story about a Frog peeing on her
- Kelly talked about one time drinking way too much alcohol
- Trista talked about walking on a wall
- Rick talked about jumping off a fence to attract attention of someone, then breaking his leg
- Places in the World We Want to Visit
- Johny talked about visiting Japan, but wanting to live in Canada
- Marwa talked about visiting Hawaii, but also the entire world
- Mohammad talked about visiting the USA and India
- Eshaal talked about visiting the UK, USA and Austria
- Amine talked about visiting the USA, both California and New York
- Kelly said she wants to live in Australia
Below is the link to listen to our chat:
For people who did not join the live discussion, feel free to contribute the ideas in comment blanks below.