To adorn is to dress something up by decorating it. You might adorn your poncho with fringe or your poodle's dog collar with rhinestones.
Pronunciation: /əˈdɔrn/
Word form: verb
Origin: Adorn shares some Latin roots with words like ornament and ornate. So it makes sense that some people adorn their Christmas trees with tinsel and lights. Others adorn their eyelids with glitter. In any case, if you want to adorn yourself with all kinds of fabulous baubles, it might be wise to follow Coco Chanel's advice: take at least one accessory off before you walk out the door.
Short description: to decorate something
Example Sentences:
- Church walls adorned with religious paintings
- His watercolor designs adorn a wide range of books.
Syllable Breakdown:
*New word description, story and part of "EXAMPLE SENTENCE" are cited in Vocabulary
Song of the Day: < Sweet Dreams>