Free Group Chats now three times a week!

Good news everyone!
As you know we have been conducting free group chats twice a week for last three years and now we're finally adding an additional two hour group chat session on each Friday staring tomorrow (May 8th)! Hooray!

We believe that it will give you another opportunity to practice your English conversation skills during Debates and General Chat discussions. This is possible because we've added 3 more members to our Group Chat Management Team:
Rebecca - USA (Host/Moderator)
Eshaal - Pakistan (Host/Moderator)
Marwa - Tunisia (Host/Moderator)

This Friday's topic will be "Success in life is measured by how much money you have"
Want to join? Let us know by filling this form and we will add you to the chat!

Happy Birthday Richard!!!

Today is the Birthday of Richard Howard, the founder of the Global English Group.
Almost three years ago Richard has started to organize group calls in Skype, this kind of activity not only helps people to improve their English but also helps to succeed in life. Every weekend since then Richard gets up at 6 am and leads the discussion, talks to members of the group and always tries to help. And he's doing it absolutely for free! Sometimes it's hard to believe that this kind of people still exist, but they do. 

We all are very lucky to have him in our lives. 

Happy Birthday Richard!

You're one year older but you're still the same: kind, smart and inspiring!