Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016
Participants (from 13 countries):
USA: Rick | Argentina: Johny | Pakistan: Eshaal, Ayisha, Saifi, Noorola, Elham | Iran: Elham, Sara, Hanieh | France: Djamila | Azerbaijan: Salima | Tunisia: Amin, Yesser | Switzerland: George | Iraq: Zahir | Bangladesh: Mohiuddin, Jahangir | Egypt: Haitham | Algeria: Hamzabat, Soso, Faycel | Russia: Oleg
Host: Rick
Co-Host: Johny
Panel PRO (Team A): Jami, Eshaal, Salima, Amin
Panel CON (Team B): Johny, Djamila, Faycel, Sara
Audience (Team C): Rojhano,
Just listening: Henieh, Saifi, Elham
Late: George, Jahangir, Heytham, Zahir, Yesser, Mohiuddin, Hamzabat, Ayisha, Soso, Noorola, Oleg.
Team A summary:
It is important because one hand washes the other. If someone tells us that they have an idea we should respect it not matter how bad we think their idea is. If we don’t respect each other, people won’t listen to us. Respect is welcome and necessary in any kind of relationship.
Mutual respect sustains a relationship: Love and friendship is not enough; we need to respect and compromise and in order to compromise we need to listen and at least tolerate each other’s opinion. A person who does not respect the other person cannot tolerate the other person and in a romantic relationship love will fade away but what can sustain that relationship will be respect.
Every relationship needs mutual respect, without it we could not communicate for a long time. Having mutual respect will make the relationship grow day by day and it would bring quality to the relationship.
Definition of the term: When talking about relationships, people or countries, we can re-define “mutual respect” as accepting others no matter what their differences are. Despite the fact that there is already a definition in the dictionary, people define the term in many different ways so we can define “mutual respect” as just treating others in the same way we want to be treated.
As for the importance: it makes relationships stronger.
Team B summary:
Mutual respect is not “the most” important factor. Human relationships are complicated and we can’t reduce its complexity to just one factor. A successful relationship is not based on just one factor and even though mutual respect is extremely important, it is not THE MOST important factor. It’s true that people have their own definition of the term and a successful relationship is defined differently by people because it’s relative for each individual. You can respect the other people but if there is no love in the relationship, if there is no mutual support, the relationship won’t last long. There are other factors that that are either equally important or even more important such as love, support, communication, mutual understanding, tolerance, flexibility and commitment (just to mention a few).
Mutual respect, it’s obvious; it’s a given. In order to make a relationship work, mutual respect is not enough. Communication for example is important because the two parties need to have a good communication with each other. Commitment is also an important factor because we need to show the other person that the relationship is important to us and that it counts.
“The most important factor (for me: Djamila) is investment”. A relationship takes up a lot of investments from us because we need to invest our time, energy and effort to make the relationship work and last. We could though base our relationship on mutual respect alone and it can make it work for some time but it won’t last. A successful relationship is about giving and taking and this comes down to investment.
In every kind of relationship there is no just one important factor. We can agree that Mutual respect is very important but it’s not necessarily the most important thing in a relationship. There are a lot of factor that all together can determine whether a relationship will be successful or not. For instance, Peace and support is important too. If there is peace and mutual support between the two, that can be considered as a successful relationship.
Team C summary:
Mutual respect is not only important for individual relationships; it is also important for any kind of relationships within the society but is not the most important thing in a relationship. There have been many couples who respect each other but their lives were not a happy life.
Mutual understanding can be the most important thing in a relationship because who wouldn’t want the other person understand when we are happy, when we are sad, when we want don’t want to talk, our ups and downs? Knowing how much both can “feel” each other can be a very powerful thing in a relationship.
Another important factor could be mutual goals or “Aims”. If we don’t want to end up in the same place in the long run, we won’t last with one another.
Rojhano voted for team B.
There have been people who came late in the call and you can hear what they said about this topic by listening to the recording down below.
Team B won this debate. Thanks everyone for participating. Below are the links to listen to this discussion:
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