Date: Sunday, July 24, 2016
Participants (from 8 countries):
USA: Rick | Argentina: Johny | Iran: Hanieh, Rose, Behnam, Bahare | Egypt: Heytham | Poland: Mario | Bangladesh: Riya | Tunisia: Amin | India: Sumit
Format: General discussion.
Host: Rick
Co-Host: Johny
This discussion was not to say any one country is better or worse than any other country. Our discussion was really focused on how we can find ways to make immigrants coming from other cultures feel more comfortable and a productive part of the culture they are moving into.
- “I have traveled a lot and I have seen a lot”. Some countries offer forms and documentation in foreign language most government offices have documentation in many different languages because USA has a big diversity of people. What makes it work in USA is the idea that nothing is based upon the country of origin rather than on your capabilities. The rights are above religion, nationality, gender, etc. US laws protect people regardless of these factors.
- Social acceptance: society needs to embrace people. People from different backgrounds have much to contribute as anybody else. In most cases people in US are from immigrant’s second or third generation and there need to be a cultural acceptance regardless of their background.
- Everyone needs to respect people individual’s rights. This allows the country to have diversity of religion, race, nationality, etc. A society that embraces diversity regardless of the people’s background is a society which will be better off.
- Education system needs to be open: US have many immigrants from Mexico and Central America who come from early age because they seek for a better education either on language or other things. You can still be part of the society and keep your identity.
- The culture makes the country. When a country opens its doors to different cultures, that country can be considered an accepting country. When the immigrant culture is respected by the host country, it can make the country more accepting; culture wise. When it comes to food, the cultural diversity makes the country more interesting.
- It’s not about what country is better. It’s about which country accepts other countries and nationalities.
- An immigrant culture that embraces humanity, kindness, justice, mutual respect, etc. is an acceptable culture and by assimilating this culture into the country it makes the country an even more accepting country culturally speaking.
- If I were king of my country, I’d try to look after people’s interest and goodness. I’d also try to generate equal opportunities for everyone according to their talent. I’d try to fight against corruption. I’d try to improve the international relationships and communication with other countries. I’d make the process of migrating and immigrating easier. My priority would be generating a good environment for the people in my country so that everyone can coexist, live peacefully and have a dignifying life.
- Some people make research about immigration policies when they want to move out abroad. Job opportunity for foreign people is also a factor to consider when deciding where to live. Some countries do better when it comes to assessing the kind of immigrants that they can accept due to the procedures they have for evaluating Visas and people’s capability to assimilate themselves into the new culture and language.
- Quid Pro Quo: Contribute to the country you are moving to.
- Respect the laws of the country you are moving to.
- Learn the language of the country you are moving to.
If we follow these things, it will make both us, as an immigrant, fit into our new country much more comfortably, and it will make our new neighbors feel more comfortable welcoming them.
It’s a matter of common sense; people, who migrate to other countries, should be bound to follow the host’s rules and culture. There’s no need to lose our own identity but we should be willing to follow the laws and accept the culture of the country which is accepting us.
Thanks everyone for a meaningful discussion. Below are the links to listen to it.
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