I am the light catcher, my job is catching the light and I put it into the eternity box....
These lights are farragoes, about a face of humans, expanse of lands, laughter of innocent children, growling of wild animals, flash of pain, the blood of the tortured, melancholic stories, tears and anger, untruth and artificiality.......
I'm catching all these lights and putting them into my magic box and all the lights which I have captured are transformed into memories....
Then I realized, I did not only catch the lights and memories......... I also caught the soul ..... someday, I will open that box and I will see the souls that I kept for so long
Before I had found that magic box, my life was different, my job was just sitting on my desk and writing....I was still a virgin, my heart, and my body had never been touched by anybody or anything, my life is so orderly, I could see my clear sky although I Cried so often, it still looks blue
a boring life, but I didn't mind .....
The magic box was changing my life, after I found that box, my dreams started to change, I was never
imprisoned by space and time anymore. I seemed to have found a passion that had been missing, I even could reach an orgasm just by stealing the light.
It is a sexy drizzling morning, I am too lazy to get up, I want to have my breakfast, accompanied by a symphony of raindrops that hit the tile and clay, as well as cool breeze that fingered touch my skin......
But I have to wake up, get out of the warm blanket, replace it with the smell of rancid moist fish, fragrant chicken droppings, the sound of rats that scavenge rubbish in the gutter
I have to get up because of the lights of life that I'm looking for are out there, and I'm addicted to them, I flinch, my rushing steps keep going hunting for the light that got me hooked....to the corners of hearts, I want to wipe off the tears of the dreaming eyes......
I Pelvis my magic box, today I want to capture the light of forgotten people...
I looked up.... the skylight was blue, but now it becomes grey sometimes black in my point of view....
I am, the light catcher.... I collected dumb images and blind sounds from the fake souls...and I’m addicted to them ...
Author: Paras Mentari