Date: Sunday, September 6th 2015
Participants (from 13 countries):
Bangladesh: Muhammed Apu, J.A. | Sudan: Seif, Ahmed | India: Sunita | Morocco: Aziz, Imad| Philippines: Lala, Shana| USA: Rick, Rebecca | Argentina: Johny | Norway: Thomas | UK: Basil | Tunisia: Marwa | Vietnam: Kelly | Indonesia: Tibi | Iran: Ami
Panel PRO: Kelly, Ahmed, Thomas, Sunita; Rick, Seif
Panel CON: Marwa, Aziz, Imad
Audience: J.A., Johny, Muhammud Apu, Tibi, Parmida, Ami, Shana
Bonus chat: Rebecca
Host: Rick
Moderator: Rick
Panel PRO summary:
- Anybody can talk a lot but it’s easier said than done so you have to prove what you say.
- Actions speaks louder than words
- In the final analysis, its about taking responsibility for your deeds. Words lead to actions, actions lead to consequences, good or bad.
- Leadership is inspiration through deeds and actions, not words. While words can inspire or lift people, the actions that follow is what will commit people to your cause.
- You are what you do not what you say you will do.
- By acting like a criminal and think like such makes the person be one but if that person changes his mind and actions, then it’s another person.
- It’s how we react to certain situations is what defines us.
- Don’t be the product of your environment; make the environment be a product of you.
- The decisions we make, the options we take is what defines us.
- Talking is cheap.
- Reliability and reputation: if you do what you say you will do, you will be reliable and if you keep your promises you will build a credible reputation and be known as a person of character. That is much more powerful than just talking.
- When you do something in behalf of another or because you were forced to do something, it will not matter that it is not the person that you think you are, what matters most is that people around you will judge you for what you have done.
Panel CON summary:
- Many people are good at deceiving with their actions.
- There are actions that are designed to give a certain impression to people.
- What we do, is always changing from time to time.
- As we grow and walk in life, we make mistakes and we learn from them thus, our deeds do not always represent the person.
- Some of the things we do in life are born from the decision of other people and it does not define the person.
- Some people are truly not responsible for their actions.
- People also take actions that contradict each other and it is difficult to define a person for a certain action.
- When a person commits certain acts that it was either an understandable mistake or he didn’t have a choice, people can be tolerant and compassionate, and give you a second chance.
Audience summary:
- Ami chose team B;
- Johny chose team B;
- Shana team B;
- Jawad chose team B;
- Tibi chose team A;
- Muhammud Apu chose team B
Team B won this debate, Congratulations team B! (Panel CON)
There was a bonus chat after the debate and the topic was “Give three stereotypes that people often have about your country”. This will be posted in a separate blog.
Thanks everyone for participating!
To listen to this debate, click in the following link:
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You are what you do | Sept 6th 2015 | Recording File
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