Date: Saturday January 24th 2015
Angie (China/USA), Rick (USA) and Selly (Hong Kong), Johny (Argentina), Sunita (India), Santosh (India), Eshaal (Pakistan), Trista (China), Tata (China), Masato (Japan)
Team A: (yes, believe it does determine your success). Angie (China/USA), Rick (USA) and Selly (Hong Kong)
Team B: (no, believe it does not determine success) Johny, Sunita, Santosh, Eshaal, Trista, Tata, Masato
Key points Team A: sometimes the physical appearance will give you more opportunities i.e. job interview; sometimes physical appearance can have a negative impact, i.e. if someone "looks" really good, they may be judged on physical appearance and not on their qualifications/other qualities
Key points Team B: major factors that determine success are based on determination, attitude and desire. Many successful people that have achieved success may not be considered to be "physically attractive".
Away/Summary: Many factors are considered when looking at "success": career, personal life, financial etc
Below is the link to listen to our chat
Does your physical appearance determine success? - Voice chat Recording
Feel free to share your ideas with us.